En ny blogg YESYESYES hittar den här , sori skall börja uppdatera dagligen där snart, xoxo JP
Jag skäms
hitta en blogg jag använde i januari o gud så man kan vara nolo o de va bara ca. ett år sen men nojoo skriver nu oxo på ett säkert ganska underhållande sätt, not in a good way. Måst se till att den nya bloggen blir fin och bra!jeejeeee excited!
lite julfiilis hos oss idag:)!
Its been decided
skall ha ny blogg, men vet inte var jag borde börja en?? tips, det kommer att vara en lifestyle blogg och 10ggr bätre än den här, tänker satsa lite mera, i promise...not SKALL FÖRSÖKA!
Mycket jännä senaste dagarna, Swedish house mafia på torsdag, veti snadi fylla före det med ina och enligt mig var det en bra ide. Jävla kallt var det ute och efter att vi typ skrattat oss ihjäl på tåget kom vi fram till Hartwall arena, konseren var såååå värd att se!Var positivt överraskad, det spela skit bra och fick halva finska folket och dansa o hoppa omkring, fiiilis!Lite bilder..
orkar int uppdatera så kiss my fat ass, xoxo.
Har smått isolera mig från alla egentligen, klart att ja ser hör av människor på veckolsutet etc. men annars gör jag det inte, möjligen går på gymmet med nån. Annars ganska mycket för mig själv och familjen. Men det passar mig bra, jag lever ett helt annat liv på flera sätt, hoppas ändå att jag inte isoleras från mina gamla goda vänner i finland. Det vill jag inte, det är bara svårt att kunna berätta om personliga saker då det inte eventuellt vet vad det exact handlar om, kankse människorna som är inblandade osv. Hatar egentligen att vara ensam men ibland är det nog bra:) Börja tänka på det när jag lyssnade på Kendrick Lamar's sång "Bitch don't kill my vibe", lyricsen hittar ni här:
I am a sinner who's probably gonna sin again
Lord forgive me, Lord forgive me
Things I don't understand
Sometimes I need to be alone
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
I can feel your energy from two planets away
I got my drink, I got my music
I would share it but today I'm yelling
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
[Verse 1]
Look inside of my soul and you can find gold and maybe get rich
Look inside of your soul and you can find out it never exist
I can feel the changes, I can feel a new life
I always knew life can be dangerous
I can say that I like a challenge and you to me is painless
You don't know what pain is
How can I paint this picture when the color blind is hanging with you
Fell on my face and I woke with a scar
Another mistake living deep in my heart
Wear it on top of my sleeve in a flick
I can admit that it did look like yours
Why you resent every making of this
Tell me your purpose is petty again
But even a small lighter can burn a bridge
Even a small lighter can burn a bridge
I can feel the changes
I can feel the new people around me just want to be famous
You can see that my city found me then put me on stages
To me that's amazing
To you that's a quick check with all disrespect let me say this
[Verse 2]
I'm trying to keep it alive and not compromise the feeling we love
You're trying to keep it deprived and only co-sign what radio does
And I'm looking right past you
We live in a world, we live in a world on two different axles
You live in a world, you living behind the mirror
I know what you scared of, the feeling of feeling emotions inferior
This shit is vital, I know you had to
This shit is vital, I know you had to
Die in a pitiful vain, tell me a watch and a chain
Is way more believable, give me a feasible gain
Rather a seasonal name, I'll let the people know this is something you can blame
On yourselves you can remain stuck in a box
I'm a break out and then hide every lock
I'm a break out and then hide every lock
[Bridge] + [Hook]
You ain't heard a chorus like this in a long time
Don't you see that long line
And they waiting on Kendrick like the first and the fifteenth
Threes in the air I can see you are, in sync
Hide your feelings, hide your feelings now what you better do
I'll take your girlfriend and put that pussy on a pedestal
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Walk out the door and they scream it's alive
My New Year's resolution is to stop all the pollution
Talk too motherfucking much, I got my drink I got my music
I say bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Lord forgive me, Lord forgive me
Things I don't understand
Sometimes I need to be alone
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
I can feel your energy from two planets away
I got my drink, I got my music
I would share it but today I'm yelling
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
[Verse 1]
Look inside of my soul and you can find gold and maybe get rich
Look inside of your soul and you can find out it never exist
I can feel the changes, I can feel a new life
I always knew life can be dangerous
I can say that I like a challenge and you to me is painless
You don't know what pain is
How can I paint this picture when the color blind is hanging with you
Fell on my face and I woke with a scar
Another mistake living deep in my heart
Wear it on top of my sleeve in a flick
I can admit that it did look like yours
Why you resent every making of this
Tell me your purpose is petty again
But even a small lighter can burn a bridge
Even a small lighter can burn a bridge
I can feel the changes
I can feel the new people around me just want to be famous
You can see that my city found me then put me on stages
To me that's amazing
To you that's a quick check with all disrespect let me say this
[Verse 2]
I'm trying to keep it alive and not compromise the feeling we love
You're trying to keep it deprived and only co-sign what radio does
And I'm looking right past you
We live in a world, we live in a world on two different axles
You live in a world, you living behind the mirror
I know what you scared of, the feeling of feeling emotions inferior
This shit is vital, I know you had to
This shit is vital, I know you had to
Die in a pitiful vain, tell me a watch and a chain
Is way more believable, give me a feasible gain
Rather a seasonal name, I'll let the people know this is something you can blame
On yourselves you can remain stuck in a box
I'm a break out and then hide every lock
I'm a break out and then hide every lock
[Bridge] + [Hook]
You ain't heard a chorus like this in a long time
Don't you see that long line
And they waiting on Kendrick like the first and the fifteenth
Threes in the air I can see you are, in sync
Hide your feelings, hide your feelings now what you better do
I'll take your girlfriend and put that pussy on a pedestal
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Walk out the door and they scream it's alive
My New Year's resolution is to stop all the pollution
Talk too motherfucking much, I got my drink I got my music
I say bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Men de sista 15 dagarna jag är hemma i finland måste jag passa på att se alla och ta vara på min tid. Men mitt hem för tillfälle är nog inte alls i Finland, älskar alltid att vara här men det känns mera som om jag bara är och hälsar på, som om det här inte skulle vara min vardag utan bara alla andras runt mig. Flytten kommer nog alldeles rätt tid. Har märkt att jag talar med endel vänner som bor på andra sidan jorden mera än jag gör me dem jag kunde ringa när som helst, inget fel på det...men det känns väll lite konstit. On that note måst jag väll se alla mina närmaste vänner asap, älskar er och kommer att sakna er så det tar ont, men ibland måste man ge upp något för att kunna få något annat (om det där nu sen made any sense?:D)
Anyways, nu skall jag sova!
Kram- jenny
Skall också ta och spendera mera tid med henne, otroligt fin mamma har jag, även om vi grälar dag in och dag ut. Och yes min mamma har mina svarta lace up vans på sig på den här bilden, dör!Anyways vill aldrig förlora henne, är nog hemskt lika henne, lite lustiga ibland <3
but seriously...
måst sluta säga dedär. Anyways hyvä päivä va till Kyrkslätt och körde pimeänajon, bra gick de även om jag mer än gärna skulle ha skippat hela greijjen!Lärde mig väl någo (?) iaf. Har sökt visum och färgat håret som sagt, helt ok blev det men lät det bara påverka i 15 min, no patience. Men lite ljusare är rötterna och ser inte lika äcklit ut!Sku gå o sova tidigt men sen börja min nya favorit person tala med mig heheh, got caught up. Det händer nog också me andra kompisar men då kan ja oftast säga att ja återkommer imorgon, men kan inte mis out on this. I'm a dork....
Imorgon minns jag inte om jag har program förutom att se SHM live på Hartwall Arena med ina jeejee, blir säkert mega bra. Hoppas det inte bara finns allt för många små snorungar så man kan ravea ordentligt, tar också mitt nya fina pass med så kanske jag kan njuta några kalla före eller efter. Bilden är inte något vidare bra men själva passet ser faktist ganska vackert ut, impressive!nu bablar ja onödigt, skall spela lite miniclip spel because im a nevare buh bye!
My hair.
Sku villa ha min naturliga hårfärg (mörk blond) med en kastanj nyans, sku vara hälsosammare åt håret och så, tyvärr håller jag mig iaf för tillfället till blont för att det är väldigt svårt att hitta en mörk blond/ljus brun färg som inte blir fel färg. Så färger nu rötterna ljusare eftersom förragången misslyckades och det blev knappt ljusare...får se vad det bli använder en Pearly blond färg av Schwarzkopf, en sk. "color mask"....hoppas det blir snyggt så är jag brun och blond i Florida ifall jag kommer iväg!:)
På sommaren färga jag det endast före prom som var riktigt i början av sommaren, men det hålls ganska ljust under sommaren då man är ute i solsken hela tiden.
Lika med inget
Rubriken förklarar pretty much mitt liv igår och idag..har gjort ganska lite, körde halkbanan igår och trenade med tessa på kvällen. Idag har jag typ bara babysittat så inte har jag hemskt mycket att komma med!Imorgon måste jag dra mig till kyrkslätt för att köra "i mörker" med en simulator, fun..not. Hoppas det går bra sku inte alls orka, skall också försöka färga bort mina fula "rötter" inför julen, vill inte se allt för hemsk ut. Dessutom borde jag städa och organisera hela mitt rum så att jag kan kasta bort allt det onödiga aka. typ allt jag inte tar med mig då jag flyttar, exact om en månad, det kniper i magen när jag tänker på det, skall nog börja en ny bätre blogg då jag är på egen hand, eeeeppp!Dessutom borde jag ta och skrubba bort all döda hy och gå på solarium iaf en gång före söndagen så färgen sen fastnar bätre!Vill ju vara brun igen, och helst mycket blond också, även om jag haft lust att färga håret mörkare...få nu se!
HAHA, det där är nog lite jag när jag vaktar barn, they still love me.
Läser en massa mode bloggar men har tappa kontrol över bekantas bloggar, eller finland svenskars från huvudstadsregionen så ifall du har bloggar att tipsa om 96-92 födda (typ) int så noggrant let me know vill gärna läsa dem, eller iaf kolla!Då man har tråkigt så är det ju bra entertainment haha, HELP A GIRL OUT. xoxo
If you do that then I guess thats all we need, if you like clothes that a plus, blog on kids!
Godmorgon frysande jävlar, fy fan va kallt ute igen. Let's not complain. Bra kväll på fredag, babysitta Åke 4 år ända tills 10, vi hitta på allt möjlit, lite busig va han och ville inte gå och sova. Fint gick det iaf, sätt honom senast när han var 1 år gammal men blyg va han nog inte!. Stack rakt därifrån till stan där jag träffa Ina, Patricia och Emilia. Dansa och drack drinkar på BK i ett par timmar, riktigt lyckat förutom att det alltid finns creeps som skall förstöra, äckligt. Min nya kikka är att använda en bild på mig och någon pojk kompis och laga den som bakgrund på telefonen liksom pretend att jag är super in love med någon, didnt work. Men då får man väll bara ljuga eller bara gå bort:D Det äckligaste är när nån kommer allt för nära eller då de är så gamla att de kunde vara din farsas gamla klasskompis,
Igår vakna jag sent, åt middag med familjen, massor med onyttigt, var snabbt till Omena & kom hem o gjorde ett och annat och så for jag mot stan, träffa där etta och endel andra bekanta och så tog vi oss till Kaivon där det va julfest, riktigt bra meno så endel bekanta ja int sätt på sjuuukt länge så glad att jag får med!
Idag åt vi middag med kusinerna hos mormor, naminami!Sista gången jag så dem före jag (IGEN) flyttar!galet hur tiden går nu måst jag ba få all paperwork färdigt etc.
Hoppas ni har haft ett fint vs!
Lite bilder...
Åke ville borst mitt hår hahah so qyyyyt
bah bai im ugle
Det var en anonym som fråga om bra ställen att besöka om man är i florida så tänkte tipsa om några ställen etc!
Själva är vi på väg till Fort Lauderdale nästa vs..tror jag får se hur det blir. Miami är ganska känt för turism och det finns naturligtvis fina stränder etc att besöka, tex. Southbeach (kröhömm där jag nästan drunknade.)
Finns en massa restauranger och barer vid stranden annars känner jag inte till själva Miami så bra, nära Miami finns det ett stort Seaquarium där man kan se delfiner, sjölejon etc uppträda, faktist ganska roligt!Om man orkar kan man köra till Orlando för en dag och spendera dagen på Disney World eller Universal Studios, det brukar vi iaf göra, kostar ganska mycket och man måste vakna tidit och köra några timmar men tycker själv det är värt det!
Shoppingen är ganska bra, vet inte vad det finns i Miami men tex. ca 30 min borta finns ett av USA's största Outlet shopping malls, saw grass mills!Det finns också en massa butiker i downtown miami, det minns jag.
En sak jag iaf tycker kan vara roligt är att åka till everglades och se på alligatorer det är bara att googla everglades boat rides eller liknande så hittar man en massa olika företag som tar människor ut på såndäna båtar, det brukar inte heller kosta allt för mycket!
Ett år hyrde vi också en båt och åkte ut på kanalerna vid Miami/Fort Lauderdale där det finns stora fina villor som endel av världens rikaste människor äger, går såklart också att hyra jet skies etc.!Keywest är också super söt och värt att se men också ganska långt borta eftersom det ligger i Floridas södersta del!
Hoppas det här hjälpte iaf lite!
Skall till gymmet men gissa om jag orkar lämna mitt vardagsrum feat. varma filtar...not så ska dra ut på tiden lite mera sen lovar jag fara iväg hehe
Tack etta för att du har dom här på din blogg....not
1. think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
Yes they did!:)
2. would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
why not
3. when’s the last time you were angry and happy at the same time?
This morning when I got a text, the conversation made me mad but then again not
4. would you ever smile at a stranger?
I always do...
5. is there someone you're deeply in love with?
6. have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Yes, frank ocean u make me a little crying bitch.
7. what exactly are you wearing right now?
yoga pants & a FIT t-shirt, bumming at home.
8. how often do you listen to music?
pretty much all the time
9. do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Jeans, they look so much better.
10. do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013?
During 2013 yes absolutely, before it, probably not!
11. are you a social or an antisocial person?
HAAA guess twice!Social is my middle name (clichecliche but so true)
12. have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’?
13. what about ‘R’?
I don't think so!
14. can you drive a stick shift?
15. do you care if people talk badly about you?
I come off tough but i take things very personally so yes.
16. are you going out of town soon?
Hopefully in a weeeek
17. when was the last time you cried?
Like 2 minutes ago but I have no idea why:D?
18. have you ever told someone you loved them?
My friends & family yes!
19. if you could change your eye color, would you?
I like my green eyes but wish they were brighter
20. is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
I wouldnt do everything for anyone but my family, put yourself first.
21. name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
That I'm feeling emotional which only happens like twice a year if not less!
22. is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
yes unless bad breath is the reason:D
23. are you dating the last person you talked to?
24. what are you sitting on right now?
my living room floor?
25. does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
A lot of my friends do, we'll see...
26. have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Not to sound cocky but I dont think so:)
27. who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
My good old frand james
28. do you get a lot of colds?
Not really!
29. where is the shirt you are wearing from?
A thrift shop lol, it has my school logo on it so I had to get ittt
30. does anyone hate you?
Hate is a strong word so hopefully not!
31. do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
probably, most likely knowing me, but they're not really hidden
32. do you like watching scary movies?
love the thrilll
33. do you want your tongue pierced?
EWW never, imagine that shit getting infected, nastyy
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
Thats really hard probably like 6th grade, i was awk, ugly and going through a lot of shit
35. did you have a dream last night?
Slept for a solid 30 min so that's a no!
36. when was the last time you told someone you loved them?
quite sure I already answered this but today?when my dad left to go to work, i think.
37. do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
Hell no
38. do you think someone has feelings for you?
I know at least 2 people who do...
39. do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
obv miss populaaa ova hea
40. did you have a good day yesterday?
41. think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
single as fugg
42. in the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?
Yes i have friends if thats what youre implying...
43. has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
44. what’s the best part about school?
Friends and getting drunk...before a class, shits priceless
45. do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
What kind of question is that??
46. do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
sometimes, but I mean they invented texting a while ago uk
47. do you replay things that have happened in your head?
All the time
48. were you single over the last summer?
Guess you could say that
49. is your life anything like it was two years ago?
Not at all, but I always knew that it was going to change.
50. what are you supposed to be doing right now?
I should be on the bus on my way to the gym, obv I'm not though-
51. do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
I don't hate people but I was a little annoyed at him
52. are you nice to everyone?
I try to be, and I really do believe I am a genuinely nice person:)
53. have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
haha oh yes black tall men?say what
54. do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
absolutely, I wouldnt get into a relationship unless it was really meant to be.
55. are you good at hiding your feelings?
56. do you think you like someone?
Uhmm yes
57. have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?
58. do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
I can tolerate my guy friends better so guys, but I love my female friends just as much!
59. has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?
Yes, rare sight
60. do you hate anyone?
61. how’s your heart?
62. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
too many things
63. have you ever cried over a guy?
Only because they've done something fucked up, not because of a break up etc.
64. who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
Idk but people always talk
65. are your toenails painted pink?
Burgundy red
66. will your next kiss be a mistake?
Better not be, I don't think so.
67. girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?
I mean I don't like to see people cry unless it's tears of happiness...
68. have your pants ever fallen down in public?
*pulled down
69. who was the last person you were on the phone with?
70. how do you look right now?
Too pale and plain
71. do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
I can be myself around most of my guy friends, girls are a little different..
72. do you like it when a guy brings you flowers?
its sweet
73. do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
yes and its the bestt
74. have you ever felt replaced?
Not that I remember but probably?
75. did you wake up cranky?
surprisingly not!
76. are you a jealous person?
Yes they did!:)
2. would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
why not
3. when’s the last time you were angry and happy at the same time?
This morning when I got a text, the conversation made me mad but then again not
4. would you ever smile at a stranger?
I always do...
5. is there someone you're deeply in love with?
6. have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Yes, frank ocean u make me a little crying bitch.
7. what exactly are you wearing right now?
yoga pants & a FIT t-shirt, bumming at home.
8. how often do you listen to music?
pretty much all the time
9. do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Jeans, they look so much better.
10. do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013?
During 2013 yes absolutely, before it, probably not!
11. are you a social or an antisocial person?
HAAA guess twice!Social is my middle name (clichecliche but so true)
12. have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’?
13. what about ‘R’?
I don't think so!
14. can you drive a stick shift?
15. do you care if people talk badly about you?
I come off tough but i take things very personally so yes.
16. are you going out of town soon?
Hopefully in a weeeek
17. when was the last time you cried?
Like 2 minutes ago but I have no idea why:D?
18. have you ever told someone you loved them?
My friends & family yes!
19. if you could change your eye color, would you?
I like my green eyes but wish they were brighter
20. is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
I wouldnt do everything for anyone but my family, put yourself first.
21. name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
That I'm feeling emotional which only happens like twice a year if not less!
22. is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
yes unless bad breath is the reason:D
23. are you dating the last person you talked to?
24. what are you sitting on right now?
my living room floor?
25. does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
A lot of my friends do, we'll see...
26. have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Not to sound cocky but I dont think so:)
27. who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
My good old frand james
28. do you get a lot of colds?
Not really!
29. where is the shirt you are wearing from?
A thrift shop lol, it has my school logo on it so I had to get ittt
30. does anyone hate you?
Hate is a strong word so hopefully not!
31. do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
probably, most likely knowing me, but they're not really hidden
32. do you like watching scary movies?
love the thrilll
33. do you want your tongue pierced?
EWW never, imagine that shit getting infected, nastyy
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
Thats really hard probably like 6th grade, i was awk, ugly and going through a lot of shit
35. did you have a dream last night?
Slept for a solid 30 min so that's a no!
36. when was the last time you told someone you loved them?
quite sure I already answered this but today?when my dad left to go to work, i think.
37. do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
Hell no
38. do you think someone has feelings for you?
I know at least 2 people who do...
39. do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
obv miss populaaa ova hea
40. did you have a good day yesterday?
41. think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
single as fugg
42. in the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?
Yes i have friends if thats what youre implying...
43. has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
44. what’s the best part about school?
Friends and getting drunk...before a class, shits priceless
45. do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
What kind of question is that??
46. do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
sometimes, but I mean they invented texting a while ago uk
47. do you replay things that have happened in your head?
All the time
48. were you single over the last summer?
Guess you could say that
49. is your life anything like it was two years ago?
Not at all, but I always knew that it was going to change.
50. what are you supposed to be doing right now?
I should be on the bus on my way to the gym, obv I'm not though-
51. do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
I don't hate people but I was a little annoyed at him
52. are you nice to everyone?
I try to be, and I really do believe I am a genuinely nice person:)
53. have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
haha oh yes black tall men?say what
54. do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
absolutely, I wouldnt get into a relationship unless it was really meant to be.
55. are you good at hiding your feelings?
56. do you think you like someone?
Uhmm yes
57. have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?
58. do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
I can tolerate my guy friends better so guys, but I love my female friends just as much!
59. has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?
Yes, rare sight
60. do you hate anyone?
61. how’s your heart?
62. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
too many things
63. have you ever cried over a guy?
Only because they've done something fucked up, not because of a break up etc.
64. who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
Idk but people always talk
65. are your toenails painted pink?
Burgundy red
66. will your next kiss be a mistake?
Better not be, I don't think so.
67. girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?
I mean I don't like to see people cry unless it's tears of happiness...
68. have your pants ever fallen down in public?
*pulled down
69. who was the last person you were on the phone with?
70. how do you look right now?
Too pale and plain
71. do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
I can be myself around most of my guy friends, girls are a little different..
72. do you like it when a guy brings you flowers?
its sweet
73. do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
yes and its the bestt
74. have you ever felt replaced?
Not that I remember but probably?
75. did you wake up cranky?
surprisingly not!
76. are you a jealous person?
no, i mean I guess I have my moments but for the most I'm not
77. are relationships ever worth it?
78. how's your sister?
nonexistant (is that a word)
79. currently wanting to see anyone?
yes a lot of people!
80. name something you have to do tomorrow?
work out etc.
81. last person you cried in front of?
mom i think?
82. is there someone you will never forget?
A lot of people obviously but I'll never forget where I came from (yes jenny from the block, judge me:D)
83. do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?
idk I'd hope so
77. are relationships ever worth it?
78. how's your sister?
nonexistant (is that a word)
79. currently wanting to see anyone?
yes a lot of people!
80. name something you have to do tomorrow?
work out etc.
81. last person you cried in front of?
mom i think?
82. is there someone you will never forget?
A lot of people obviously but I'll never forget where I came from (yes jenny from the block, judge me:D)
83. do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?
idk I'd hope so
84. if the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
Idk if it's appropiate...jk probably being goofy
85. are you over your past?
pretty much
86. have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
My best friend of the opposite sex was in love with me, so the other way around lol
87. is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
yes, but I think there are a lot of things ive never told anyone
88. if your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
Never had one!
89. so, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
90. have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
91. will you be in a relationship in 2 months?
I don't see myself in a relationship while in college, but dating yes.
92. is there anyone you know with the name Michael?
Yes, its probably the most common name along with John etc?
93. have you ever kissed a Matthew?
94. were you in a relationship in January? how was it going?
95. were you happy in March?
I think so!
96. don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
sexy motherfucker
97. who do you have texts from?
friends, family, my hooker clients (obv kidding)
98. if the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I'd be sad for about 2 hours and then slap myself in the face.
99. have you ever kissed someone older than you?
100. who’s in your profile picture with you?
Just flying solo with a selfie like yolo bitches
101. ever kissed under fireworks?
No but someone asked me to be their new years kiss this year lol, too bad it's not going to happen!
102. has anybody ever given you butterflies?
yes and its strange
Idk if it's appropiate...jk probably being goofy
85. are you over your past?
pretty much
86. have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
My best friend of the opposite sex was in love with me, so the other way around lol
87. is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
yes, but I think there are a lot of things ive never told anyone
88. if your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
Never had one!
89. so, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
90. have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
91. will you be in a relationship in 2 months?
I don't see myself in a relationship while in college, but dating yes.
92. is there anyone you know with the name Michael?
Yes, its probably the most common name along with John etc?
93. have you ever kissed a Matthew?
94. were you in a relationship in January? how was it going?
95. were you happy in March?
I think so!
96. don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
sexy motherfucker
97. who do you have texts from?
friends, family, my hooker clients (obv kidding)
98. if the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I'd be sad for about 2 hours and then slap myself in the face.
99. have you ever kissed someone older than you?
100. who’s in your profile picture with you?
Just flying solo with a selfie like yolo bitches
101. ever kissed under fireworks?
No but someone asked me to be their new years kiss this year lol, too bad it's not going to happen!
102. has anybody ever given you butterflies?
yes and its strange
do the stanky leeeg, ses i baren eller så är vi inte mera vänner!
Men först, sali, träffa Linn och babysitta lilla Åke!:)
Don't mess this up
Sov igår från 7 på moronen till kring 3-4 på eftermiddagen because IM FUCKED IN THE HEAD. Idag måste jag vakna tidigt och hann sova hela 30 min!!!whoooo bra dygnrytmer och sömnproblem!INSOMNIA WHOOO.
Anyways var igår till Omena med tessa, hon körde mig igen, she's spoiling me!Gick omkring i några butiker o tala om allt möjlit, brukar vara bra diskussioner dessutom vet jag att hon är en av de få som man kan lita på!:)
Fick en reminder från the past igår, vet inte om det var bra eller dåligt men jag tror jag har gått framåt i livet sen dess så tror jag bara håller mig neutral över hela saken.
Kan visa saker jag köpt under veckan, inte något viktigt!Har inte på länge visat upp något jag köpt...borde börja göra det eller lägga upp outfit posts, kan väll göra det då skolan börjar!:)
Lite små saker jag köpte på rea och Essie nagellacket är det jag har på mig just nu, en gammal favorit som går med alla sesonger!Master Plan heter den, och så har vi två favoriter jag inte kan leva utan mera, grön te och citron vatten typ 1/5 citron saft och resten vatten!Ända hälsosamma vanorna jag har....