Färg i garderoben
Deuces summer...
Long hair don't care...shut up losers.
Think it was Tiesto, already forgot it
Who am I to blame her, she was so obnoxious
Got a little taste of your lips, it was toxic
We should keep in contact, okay, that is nonsense
Sure I'll take your email, tell me where to jot it
Got a pen and pencil on me at all times cause I rhyme
Now I'm kinda feeling genius that I brought it
Switchup, not Black Eyed peas but I wish I was richer
Finally graduated, she majored in being mixed up
Recognize you from T.V., Yo can we please take a picture?
I call you Mary-Kate cause I can't really tell the difference
It beats me, addicted to pills and Avicii
The Hills used to be cool, what happened to LC
Parents moving to Florida so who's left to help me
I can't but I'll write about you on my LP" -Hoodie Allen
Now you'll all hate me
- 1. Do you sleep in your bra? No
- 2. Does your dad know you like boys yet? Sure hope he doesn't think I'm a raging lesbian...
- 3. Do you enjoy drama? I mean I'm rarely involved so maybe a little hehe, I mean who doesn't!
- 4. Are you a girly girl? I'd say so!But I hang out with a lot of guys so I have a inner tomboy in me still aswell though
- 5. Small or large purses? Large, only because I carry around half of my belongings.
- 6. Are you short? Mid-length?
- 7. Do you like somebody? Maybe I miss this one asshole just a little...
- 8. Do you like Halloween? Yes!
- 9. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? probably on the airplane floor?
- 10. Is there any type of rumor going around about you? not that I know of...better not be haha.
- 11. Do you call anybody by their last name? yes I do
- 12. What color is the bra that you're wearing? Beige/nude
- 13. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? I don't really care.
- 14. Are you currently frustrated with a boy? No..yea?no.
- 15. Do you have a best friend? yes, a few actually:)
- 16. Have you ever had your heart broken? Not really
- 17. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery? Not any serious thoughts, I don't like the smell of plastic in the sun heheh so funny, not.
- 18. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? yes
- 19. How long have you had a Tumblr? well this is not my tumblr but for a few years.
- 20. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? yes, Blaise, because my friends forced me to..sorry!
- 21. What are your biggest fears? Not becoming successfull enough, to loose contact with my childhood friends, death in a way, drowning and housefires.
- 22. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes fucking teen derp
- 23. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"? I don't really know, depends.
- 24. Do you ever wish you were famous? Maybe, but it's probably super stressful!
- 25. Are you currently missing someone? yaaaa, can I just have all my frandsies in the same place?
- 26. Who are you texting right now? No one because I should be sleeping lol
Cure to insomnia
1. Three things I want to say to three different people. eff you (to brother), take your sweet ass time at practise (to A for not answering my troll text), and chill the fuck down (half of society)
2. One of my insecurities. My body, me a little too chunky.
3. What turns me on. A lot of things haha...but a cute/handsome smile, confidence etc.
4. One of my bad habits. Drinking (like too often), caffeine, procrastinating, sleeping way too little.
5. Who I wish I could be. Candice Swanepoel, Kendall Jenner, i don't really know?Whoever has a fun life!
6. Where I want to be right now. NYC (shocker), or maybe on vacation somewhere nice like London or Singapore.
7. The last thing I ate. Slice of bread with cheese and pepper.
8. Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately. Someone I tend to like, a lot.
9. What song I’m currently listening to. Party Girl by Asher Roth feat. Meek Mill
10. The last time I cried and why. Today because I broke so many things, it was more like laughing&crying all at the same time..I suck, ya ik.
11. Something I’m excited about. getting a hair cut tmrw (!!), friday and the weekend in general, my birthday, spending a weekend in sweden with my family, seeing my second family in november and going to college..whenever that will occure.
12. 5 things I like about myself and 5 things I dislike about myself. 5 up's: I'm a very happy person, I get along with everyone, I have a face that I can tolerate (because I have to lol), I'm pretty chill (I guess), and I like to believe that I'm a good friend;) 5 downs: I have thin hair, my body isn't like a wish it was, I can't sing, If you're boring you will probably hate me aka. I'm usually hyped up on something, I'm lazy...sometimes.
13. Three things I want right now. Well this is awkward so let's just move on shall we..
14. Are you wearing a necklace, who got it for you, where’s it from? No not at the moment!
15. How long was your last phone conversation? Less than 2 minutes.
16. What are you looking forward to? Living in the greatest city in the world.
17. Did you get anything off your chest today? nahh nothing crazy.
18. How many rings do you usually wear? At least one, sometimes 2 or even more.
19. Would you rather go to Canada or California on vacation? California, I love Canada but I've never been to Cali so that's why, and I'm pretty sure it's fucking awesome.
20. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants or pajama pants? Solos...I swear I only wear them at home though..
21. Do you call it fall or autumn? Fall, wish there was a brittish voice in me forcing me to say Autumn though, sounds so cool.
22. Are you an emotional person? Not really, I believe we all are, but I'm not a cry baby at all!I'm more of a just laugh it away or move the fuck on kind of person hehe
23. It’s 2 in the morning and you get a text message, who is it most likely from? Someone from across the Atlantic Ocean probably some drunk jerk of a friend.
24. Do you like long car rides? YES!
25. Do you have an adult you can talk to about anything? Pretty much so yes..my aunt
26. Last time you saw your dad? Today:)
27. Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle? Yes
28. Do you do your own laundry? When I don't live with my parents I do...so currently not haha.
29. Would you like the ability to read minds? I don't know...I mean then you'd know when someone hates you and shit...I rather not.
30. Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? No?
31. You’re thinking about a certain person right now, aren’t you? Ya.
32. What will you be doing in five years? Hopefully be fresh out of College, maybe in grad school?
34. Last 2 people to text you? Nicole and Vin, miss my fellow LI blondes!
35. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? Yes pwetty much
36. Do you like to cuddle? Is that even a question, yes yes yes!
37. When angry, do you get loud or quiet? Depends but I barely ever get mad, except for at my family lol and I'm not a quiet little girl when that occurs...
38. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed on the lips? Nae
39. Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex? Yes, and still have a few very close friends that are guys!
40. How’s your hair right now? Loose, mid length like down to these things on my chest. yes tits.
Hope you enjoyed this non-sense...if not well I won't take it personally, bah bye
So you think you're really pretty?
Better hope you make it otherwise you're naked.
And if you want these kind of dreams it's Californication...
Don't take it personal.
Can't say life's a bitch because it's what you make of it...
Men vet ni vad, såklart är inte allt som man kanske vill, men påverkar dethär mitt humör...absolut inte.Nu när jag läser dendär listan på nytt så skrattar jag bara och kan just picture a teenage angst meme i mitt huvud. Jag vet att flera av er har sjuk stress med skrivningar etc. och det är förståbart, men det tycks nog vara nån satans epidemi att man skall vara missnöjd med allting, men varför?Se på saken såhär istället.....
Okej jag ljög nog lite...
Spring 2013
Har funderat på att köpa en egen blogg dvs. en som inte går via nån sida, en blogg där jag skulle skriva om allt mellan himmel och jord men kanske inte så personlig, såklart lite tala om vad jag hållt på med men mest videobloggar, reviews, typ inköp, om skolarbeten, och "reportera" om olika kollektioner etc. sånt jag gärna skulle tala om, frågan är skulle ni mina väldigt få men kära läsare hjälpa mig få den igång?Ifall det blir av skulle jag antagligen börja den kring julen!